The Constitution is under attack at every turn. Derek Brown's experience in constitutional law, as a legislator, as Deputy Chief of Staff for Senator Mike Lee, and as Chairman of the Utah Republican Party, will make him an unwavering advocate of constitutionally-limited government as Attorney General.


Every time we watch the news, we see yet another federal agency, full of unelected bureaucrats, taking away the liberties our Founders sought to protect. It is now more important than ever to ensure that we have an Attorney General willing to protect our state and individual rights.

Utahns deserve an Attorney General who will:

  • Stand Up to Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Government

  • Protect Your Constitutional Rights

  • Fight for Utah Lands and Utah Energy

Join me in this fight, and together we will protect our constitutional rights and preserve the conservative values that have made Utah exceptional.

It’s simple… Trusted conservative leaders trust Derek Brown.

Click the link to see who’s lining up behind Derek to lead the Attorney General’s Office.

Send Derek to the Attorney General’s Office. Volunteer here!